Kaihautū Quarterly Pānui

Kei ngā amokura o tēnā pito, o tēnā awaawa o roto o Whanganui, tēnā koutou.

In this phase of restricted contact, I thought I would send a pānui out to our marae, hapū and tupuna rohe to keep you informed on kaupapa that Ngā Tāngata Tiaki (NTT) is working on over the next few months.

On the 27th of October 2021 NTT recommenced the E-pānui. The aim is to ensure our people are updated with kaupapa kōrero. In addition to this NTT also provides updates at every Te Runanga o Te Awa Tupua hui, the next scheduled for the 13th of November 2021.

The e-pānui confirmed that Sheena Maru is now the Chairperson of Ngā Tāngata Tiaki. Rāwiri Tinirau continues to hold the Deputy Chair role. Sitting alongside them are Che Wilson, Elijah Pue, Joey Allen, Tamahaia Skinner and Tawhiao McMaster. There has also been a slight change in the advisory Trustee roles. Siani Walker has now been joined by Aiden Gilbert who replaces Sandy Nepia.

The advisory trustee appointments are made by Te Matua a Rohe. NTT remain grateful to all past Trustees for their service and commitment to Te Awa Tupua. Sandy was a valued member of the Audit and Risk Committee during her time as Advisory Trustee.

NTT Annual Report was presented online again this year. A copy of the report is included with this pānui. A full copy of the annual report with supplementary documents are available on the NTT website.

The aim of this letter is to highlight and keep you informed of some of the key activities NTT is working on:


1. Mouri Turoa

Mouri Tūroa is our jobs for nature work.  Gordon Cribb has been appointed Programme Manager, Gordon will oversee a large programme of activities over the next four years.  These activities include:

  • Waterway protection - riparian fencing of 290 km, planting over 630,000 plants and maintenance of 100ha pest/weed control.
  • Freshwater fish bio-diversity habitat restoration
  • Animal and plant pest control to protect riparian planting
  • Eco sourced native tree supply and seed raising
  • Supporting job creation.

This first year is focused on building the system to support the role out of the activities. NTT will be conducting an Expression of Interest process to register any contractors interested and able to support the work.

The focus is on supporting our people who are currently in businesses related to the aims of Mouri Tūroa and for them to be supported to employ locally. In addition to this, there will also be a process for landowners/hapū who have blocks along the waterways of Te Awa Tupua that require riparian fencing and planting as described in this pānui. These Expressions of Interest will be distributed and advertised once they are opened.


2. Hapainga te Mana o Te Iwi.

NTT was scheduled to hold our second hui-a-iwi relating to Surface Water Activities in the middle reaches of the Awa, however, the risk of Covid is preventing us from gathering en masse. 

To limit any risks, NTT is proposing that we come out and meet with your marae, hapū and tupuna rohe individually to discuss your thoughts on this kaupapa.  This way we can still have kōrero but manage the numbers to ensure the safety of everyone involved. 

Our next hui is with Ngāti Hau at Patiarero on November the 16th.


3. NTT Trust Deed Review

The legislation provides for a review of the NTT Trust Deed within five years of the settlement date.

Shortly, NTT will be advertising for an Independent Facilitator who work with the iwi to build the review process from the ground up, while remaining in line with the required process of the existing Trust Deed.

A copy of the advertisement will be circulated by email and published on our website.


4. Connecting Flows work on the Tongariro Power Development Scheme.

Channey Iwikau our Kaiwhakarite in Taumarunui, and Wayne Hudson from Ngāti Hikairo, will be working alongside Genesis kaimahi for the next 12months to look at what a reconnected flow could look like on the Tawhitikuri, Okupata and Taurewa manga iti. 

NTT will keep you updated on progress.


5. Governance essentials training and secretariat training

To help and strengthen our capacity in governance and build succession for the many roles we have on Marae, Land Trusts, Hapū, Rūnanga, NTT is currently sourcing training for our budding Trustees and Secretaries.   

The training is aimed at supporting Rangatakapū to develop their skills and knowledge in these roles.   The training will be open for registrations once the course content and providers have been confirmed.

In closing, these are but a few examples of the activities that are currently being progressed by NTT.

I hope to provide one of these letters to you at least quarterly to improve the flow of information out to our marae, hapū and iwi.

We are also willing to travel to you or meet online if you would like to discuss anything in relation to the health and wellbeing of Te Awa Tupua.

Please contact piki@ngatangatatiaki.co.nz if you would like to set something up.

Nō reira, kia piki te ora ki koutou I raro I te maru o tē ngangara nei Kōwheori-19, nāku noa, nā,

Nancy Tuaine


Do you whakapapa to the Whanganui River? Would you and your whānau like to be registered on the Whanganui Iwi Database? What does that mean?

It means that you get sent pānui and updates on kaupapa related to the Whanganui River and Te Awa Tupua, the people and the river from the Mountains to the Sea. You can also apply for the different grants that are advertised on our website and facebook page.

If you are already on the database and need to up date your details please head to the database or send us an email at office@ngatangatatiaki.co.nz